Nazaryan, RosanaIskorostenska, OlgaGorenskaya, O.Volkova, N.Gargin, Vitaliy2018-11-222018-11-222018-02Interrelation of the gene CDKN1A (RS 1801270) polymorphic state and level of development of caries in children with Down syndrome / R. Nazaryan, O. Iskorostenskaya, O. Gorenskaya, N. Volkova, V. Gargin // Georgian Medical News. – 2018. – N 2 (275). – P. 112–116. syndromeInterrelation of the gene CDKN1A (RS 1801270) polymorphic state and level of development of caries in children with Down syndromeВзаимосвязь полиморфного состояния гена CDKN1A (RS 1801270) и уровня интенсивности развития кариеса у детей с синдромом ДаунаArticle