Заздравнов, Андрей АнатольевичZazdravnov, A.2015-10-192015-10-192015Zazdravnov A. Duality of Genesis of Osteopenic Syndrome in Patients with Central Form of Ankylosing Spondylitis Complicated by Gastroesophageal Reflux / A. Zazdravnov // Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 100–101.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10023Structural and functional state of BT at the patients with CLL is characterized by a decrease in the strength of the main characteristics of BT mineral content and BMD decrease. Reduced BMD in osteopenic and os- teoporotic form changes require the development of ade- quate methods of medical treatment at different stages of the disease. Treatment with the drug program Calcium-D3 Ny- comed, drug Ostalon and drug Bivalos can be implement- ed in practice treatment of osteopenic syndrome at the pa- tients with CLL.enosteopenic syndromeNon-Hodgkin lymphomaankylosing spondylitisDuality of Genesis of Osteopenic Syndrome in Patients with Central Form of Ankylosing Spondylitis Complicated by Gastroesophageal RefluxArticle