Senatorova, А.Strelkova, М.Bashkirova, N.2017-11-042017-11-042017Senatorova A. Optimization of treatment children with wheezing / A. Senatorova, M. Strelkova, N. Bashkirova // Actual Problems of Modern Medicine and Pharmacy 2017 : The LXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Minsk, April 17–19, 2017. – Minsk, 2017. – P. 1180. of the study show the feasibility and effectiveness of drug therapy of the acute bronchitis in children with allergic history with combined preparation Pulmolor® (MoviHealth, Switzerland) for a faster reduction of the main clinical manifestations of the disease (cough, sputum), which, in turn, would reduce the severity and manifestations of possible allergic reactions that lead to violations of bronchial obstruction in acute bronchitis.enwheezingchildrentreatmentOptimization of treatment children with wheezingThesis