Shcherban, NikolaiMyasoedov, ValeryFrolova, TetyanaMelnychenko, OleksandrBezrodna, AnastasiyaEmelyanova, Darya2019-10-292019-10-292019-10-16Methodological bases of express-algorithm of hygienic research on the assessment of the general hazard of chemical compounds for human health / N. Shcherban, V. Myasoedov, Т. Frolova, O. Melnychenko, A. Bezrodnaya, D. Emelyanova / Topical issues of the development of modern science : The 2nd International scientific and practical conference (October 16–18, 2019) / Publishing House "ACCENT". – Sofia, 2019. – С. 208–214. experience of participating in problematic developments in hygienic regulation of harmful chemical factors indicates that the main condition for the success of the development itself is the preliminary justification of the target algorithm of hygienic research to assess the general hazard of harmful chemical compounds to human health based on the integrated participation of specialists in various fields: hygienists, biochemists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, chemists, occupational therapists, clinicians. The express algorithm of hygienic research to assess the general hazard of chemical compounds to human health allows targeted hygienic research to study HF depending on the goals and objectives. In each case, the algorithm allows you to determine the required amount of research.enmethodological basesexpress-algorithmhygienic researchhazardchemical compoundshuman healthMethodological bases of express-algorithm of hygienic research on the assessment of the general hazard of chemical compounds for human healthThesis