Zinchuk, AndriiOtchyk, AnnaZinchuk, Olga2016-06-152016-06-152016-04-20Zinchuk A. M. Relationship between the quality of medical care provided to patients with lung cancer and patient’s trust in their doctor / А. М. Zinchuk, А. Y. Otchyk, O. G. Zinchuk // Науковий потенціал молоді – прогрес медицини майбутнього : матеріали ХIV міжнародної науково-практичної студентської конференції, Ужгород, 20–23 квітня 2016р. – Ужгород, 2016. – С. 248–249.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13142The data of the study of the organization and the system of medical and preventive care to patients with lung cancer, the degree of deviation from the medical standards, and satisfaction medical care data of patients.enlung cancerquality of caretrust medical staffRelationship between the quality of medical care provided to patients with lung cancer and patient’s trust in their doctorThesis