Yanishen, I.Diudina, IrynaTomilin, V.Pereshyvailova, I.2017-06-262017-06-262017The new methods of protection of receptors apparatus of tooth in stage of treatment by non-removable dentures design / I. V. Yanishen, I. L. Diudina, V. H. Tomilin, I. O. Pereshyvailova // Innovative technology in medicine: experience of Poland and Ukraine International research and practice conference : Conference Proceedings, Lublin, April 28–29, 2017. – Lublin, 2017. – P. 101–103.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16836Many researchers to believe the impractical used under support of non-removable design denture the teeth without pulp. This is intervention very much to reduces the sensitivity of teeth at chewing load and to lead to the emergence of traumatic occlusion, diseases of paradontium and to the tooth extraction operation. In connection with the above the safekeeping and restoration receptors of chewing pressure of teeth which used under support of non-removable design denture is one of the actual problems of modern dentistry. Given the relevance and practical importance this is question we proposed a method which was confirmed by experimental research and approved in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry.ensupporting teethTraumelThe new methods of protection of receptors apparatus of tooth in stage of treatment by non-removable dentures designArticle