Pasiyeshvili, L.Pasiyeshvili, N.Karpenko, V.2016-03-112016-03-112016-01-20Pasiyeshvili L. M. Pathology of the biliary tract in patients with osteoarthritis and obesity / L. M. Pasiyeshvili, N. M. Pasiyeshvili, V. G. Karpenko // Університетська клініка: захворювання гепатобіліарної системи з позицій поліпрофільного підходу : матеріали щорічної науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю, Харків, 20 січня 2016 р. / за ред. В. І. Савенков, Л. М. Пасієшвілі [та ін.]. – Харків, 2016. – С. 7–9. increase in IL-6, which appears in the inflammation after 2-3 days from the start of the disease, associated with the synthesis of acute phase proteins by hepatocytes and the control of fibrogenesis (reduced activity). In this case, we can say that combined OA and obesity rate has practically no effect of IL-6 for being in clinical remission. Those, there is not an active inflammatory process in the liver, and the resulting changes are due to the formation of liver’s steatosis background changes of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, changes in ultrasonic indicates gallbladder inflammation occurred with the change of physical and chemical properties of bile. Thus, the presence of obesity in patients with OA may contribute to the formation of hepatobiliary disease that aggravate the clinical manifestations of the disease.enPathology of the biliary tractobesityosteoarthritisPathology of the biliary tract in patients with osteoarthritis and obesity.Thesis