Tovazhnyanska, OlenaRiznychenko, OlenaOgienko, Alina2021-11-152021-11-152021-10-15The effectiveness of the work of student scientific circles according to a survey of students of the Khakiv National Medical University, Department of Neurology / O. L. Tovazhnyanska, О. K. Riznychenko, A. S. Ogienko // Педагогіка та психологія сьогодні: постулати минулого і сучасні теорії : збірник наукових робіт учасників міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (15–16 жовтня 2021 р., м. Одеса). – Одеса, 2021. – C. 81–84. most important task for higher education is the formation of the personality of the future specialist. Proceeding from this, the teachers of the departments of higher educational institutions need to attract more students to scientific activities, more often hold meetings of the circles in an interesting and even creative format, and the students themselves should not be lazy and must definitely allocate time for active participation in the work of the circle.enstudent scientific circles clinical thinkinghigher educationclinical thinkingThe effectiveness of the work of student scientific circles according to a survey of students of the Khakiv National Medical University, Department of NeurologyThesis