Gonchar, MargarytaPodgalaya, EvgeniaTeslenko, TatyanaSenatorova, Anastasia2016-07-142016-07-142016-05Features of condition of cardiovascular system in newborns with diabetic fetopathy / E. Podgalaya, T. Teslenko, A. Senatorova, M. Gonchar // Actual Problems Of Clinical And Theoretical Medicine : Аbstract Book Of IXth International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Of Young Scientists And Medical Students (Іnternational Scientific Іnderdisciplinary Сongrence – ISIC), Kharkiv, 19–20 may 2016 / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2016. – Р. 229–230.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13460enFeatures of condition of cardiovascular system in newborns with diabetic fetopathyThesis