Simataa LovemoreDustan ZumebomeAshcheulova, TetyanaGerasimchuk, Nina2015-11-252015-11-252015-11-12New technologies in medicine and their ethical aspects / Simataa Lovemore, Dustan Zumebome, T. Ashcheylova, N. Gerasimchuk // Modern diagnostical Methods in internal medicine and their ethical aspests : 5th Scientific Students` Conference, dedicated to the 210th Anniversary of Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 12th of November 2015 / Kharkiv National Medical University, Propedeutics to Internal Medicine Department №1, Basis of Bioethics and Biosafety. – Kharkiv, 2015. – Р. 57–58. gone by, mortality rates were very high in a number of countries, especially in the developing world, due to a number of reasons varying from lack of resources and technological advancements to the cost containment which was unattainable, both for research and development and for clinical use, particularly for new technologies such as personalised medicine.enmagnetic imagine resonancepositron emission tomographycomputed tomographyventilation perfusionNew technologies in medicine and their ethical aspectsThesis