Lozenko, Viktoriia2020-11-152020-11-152020Lozenko V. V. Test elaboration in theme “Prefixes” in Latin medical clinical terminology by Bloom’s taxonomy / V. V. Lozenko // Modernization of the educational system: world trends and national peculiarities : Theses of III International scientific conference, Lithuania, Kaunas, February 21th, 2020. ‒ Kaunas, 2020. – P. 130‒132.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27252педагогікаBloom’s taxonomy is widely used in a large number of countries. It enables to check knowledge, comprehension and usage of terms, formulae, equations etc. (lower level of thinking after Bloom’s taxonomy). At the same time students who are good at the discipline can demonstrate higher level of thinking) by means of analysis, synthesis, evaluationuktest elaborationBloom’s taxonomyTest elaboration in theme “Prefixes” in Latin medical clinical terminology by Bloom’s taxonomyThesis