El-Hayek, Mohamad2017-12-112017-12-112017El-Hayek M. A systematic review of dapagliflozin treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus / M. El-Hayek // Xth International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young scientists, Ukraine, 24–26 may 2017 : abstract book. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2017. – P. 36.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18719New class of drugs for treatment type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. These drug are an antihyperglycaemic agents with an insulin-independent mode of action. One of the SGLT2 inhibitors class that used in Ukraine for treatment patients with T2DM is a Dapagliflozin. We try to summarize current evidence from different clinical trials that assess the clinical efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin.endapagliflozintype 2 diabetes mellitusA systematic review of dapagliflozin treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusThesis