Lukianova, LarysaSyrovayа, AnnaAndreeva, SvetlanaKrasnikova, YuliyaIssaaka, Adamu2017-07-262017-07-262017-06-15How meloxicam, caffeine and their pharmacological composition influence the emotional-behavioral reactions in rats under formalin edema / L. V. Lukianova, A. O. Syrovayа, S. V. Andreeva, Yu. N. Krasnikova, A. Issaaka // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biology and Medical Sciences (Vienna, June 15, 2017) / «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. – Vienna, 2017. – Р. 48–52. meloxicam, caffeine and their pharmacological composition influence the emotional-behavioral reactions in rats under formalin edemaArticle