Arkatov, AndriyKnigavko, Oleksandr2017-01-162017-01-162017Arkatov А. Histological Examination of Graft for Best Choice of Corporoplasic / А. Arkatov, О. Knigavko // International Clinical Pathology Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 4, Issue 1. – DOI: 10.15406/icpjl.2017.04.00083.2471-0016 of penile deviations with surgical method is still a big problem in view of the frequent complications. During 2006-2016 we performed immunohistological analysis of 168 grafts for patients with penile deviation. Next, auto grafts - fascia lata femoris (FLF), vena femoralis (VF), tunica vaginalis testis (TVT), as well as xenograft - lyophilized bovine pericardium (LBP) were investigated. Recommendations considering the use of grafts cause dpenile deviations were done.engraftserectile dysfunctionpeyronie’s diseasecorporoplastyHistological Examination of Graft for Best Choice of CorporoplasicArticle