Літовченко, Олена ЛеонідівнаМішина, Марина МитрофанівнаЗуб, Ксенія Олександрівна2020-10-282020-10-282020-09Litovchenko O. L. Adaptation Mechanisms of Immune Response in Rats Under Influence of Moderately Low Temperatures in Combination with Electromagnetic Radiation / O. L. Litovchenko, M. M. Mishyna, K. O. Zub // Probl Cryobiol Cryomed. – 2020. – Vol. 30 (3). – P. 256–269. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/cryo30.03.256.2518-73762307-6143https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27084The immune system maintains a balance between the body’s vital functions and infl uence of exogenous factors. Immune mechanisms are activated by the innate and adaptive response that allows the body to adapt to new living conditions, characterized by the simultaneous action of various factors. In experimental research in rats (for 30 days) the eff ect of moderately low temperatures (2–6°C), or in combination with electromagnetic radiation (70 kHz, 600 V/m) on the immune system to establish the features of adaptive-immunological responses of an organism as studied. It was found that the eff ect of moderately low temperatures compared with the combined infl uence of electromagnetic radiation had a more pronounced eff ect, which was manifested by activation of the complement system (increased C4 and C5), raised concentrations of immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG) and enhanced functional activity of spleen (increased lymphoid follicles and their reactive centers). However, under the combined infl uence of the factors, the changes were less pronounced and modifi ed (decrease in C4 content), that indicated the development of negative cross-adaptation in the immune system of animals.enmoderately low temperatureselectromagnetic radiationcombined action of factorsimmune systemadaptationАдаптаційні механізми імунної реакції у щурів за умов впливу помірно низьких температур у сполученні з електромагнітним випромінюванням низької частотиAdaptation Mechanisms of Immune Response in Rats Under Infl uence of Moderately Low Temperatures in Combination with Electromagnetic RadiationArticle