Syrovaya, AnnaLevashova, OlgaChalenko, NataliaPetyunina, ValentinaMakarov, VolodymyrAndreeva, SvetlanaLukianova, LarysaKozub, SvitlanaTishakova, TatyanaSavelieva, ElenaKalinenko, OlgaZavada, OksanaKopoteva, NataliaVodolazhenko, MariiaChistiakova, Halina2018-03-292018-03-292018Structure and properties of aldehydes and ketones. Structure, properties and biological significance of carboxylic acids and amines : мethodical instructions for the 1st-year students’ self-work in biological and bioorganic chemistry / compiled by A. O. Syrovaya, O. L. Levashova, N. N. Chalenko, V. N. Petyunina, V. O. Makarov, S. V. Andreeva, L. V. Lukianova, S. N. Kozub, T. S. Tishakova, E. V. Savelieva, O. S. Kalinenko, O. A. Zavada, N. V. Kopoteva, M. A. Vodolazhenko, G. A. Chistiakova. – 2nd edition, revised, corrected and expanded. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2018. – 16 p. instructions for the 1st-year students’ self-work in biological and bioorganic chemistryenStructure and properties of aldehydes and ketones. Structure, properties and biological significance of carboxylic acids and aminesGuidelines