Melenevych, Anastasiia2024-09-052024-09-052024-07Melenevych A. Complement C3 and C-reactive protein in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in remission in combination with hypertension / A. Melenevych // Наукові горизонти ХХІ століття: мультидисциплінарні дослідження : матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції, 16─17 травня 2024 р., м. Ужгород / уклад. О. П. Адамчо ; УжНУ, УкрІНТЕІ. – Ужгород ; Київ, 2024. – С. 864─866. diseases remain the most common comorbid pathology among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The prevalence of hypertension (HT) in COPD patients reaches 51,2%. Systemic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress are common links in the pathogenesis of combined cardiopulmonary pathology that contribute to progression. Complement 3 (C3) is a key component of the complement system that plays an important role in the detection and elimination of pathogens. There is evidence for the protective role of C3 against oxidative stress, bronchial and myocardial apoptosis. The role of complement activation in relation to C-reactive protein (CRP) level in the pathogenesis of moderate COPD combined with HT has not been fully understood. We found that in moderate COPD patients combined with HT, C3 and CRP serum levels were significantly higher. C3 serum level predicted desaturation and emphysema in both groups, whereas CRP - in isolated COPD group only.enchronic obstructive pulmonary diseasehypertensioncomplement 3C-reactive protein2024аComplement C3 and C-reactive protein in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in remission in combination with hypertensionThesis