Gonchar, MargarytaIshchenko, TetyanaOrlova, N.Tishko, А.2017-11-102017-11-102017Iron deficiency anemia in child with leftsided diaphragmatic hernia (case report) // М. Gonchar, Т. Ishchenko, N. Orlova, A. Tishko // Іnter collegas. – 2017. – Vol. 4, № 3. – Р. 132–135.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18072Diaphragmatic hernia is a common frequent pathology of the digestive system in children. The most dangerous are the development of complications. In surgical practice - it is an inflammation of the hernia, infringement of a hernia, bleeding, intestinal obstruction. In the practice of the pediatrician, complications of diaphragmatic hernia include: gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer, pyotorax, pneumonia, cardiac arrhythmias, dysuric disorders, and deficiency anemia. Since diaphragmatic hernias in children are characterized by poor clinical symptoms, they cause difficulties in diagnosis. In the plan of examination of patients with refractory forms of anemia, it is necessary to include a consultation of the gastroenterologist and hematologist with the purpose of eliminating the pathology of the digestive tract and carrying out an on-line correction and providing adequate therapy for this pathology. Clinical observation of a child of 7 years who was on inpatient treatment to the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital with an established diagnosis: iron deficiency anemia of moderate severity. Left-sided diaphragmatic hernia.enanemiachildrendiaphragmatic herniaclinical caseIron deficiency anemia in child with leftsided diaphragmatic hernia (case report)Article