Myroshnychenko, MykhailoSukhorukov, IhorDyadyk, OlenaPasiyeshvili, NanaKapustnyk, NataliiaZiablitsev, Denys2023-06-032023-06-032023Morphological features of the lungs in post-COVID-19 period / M. Myroshnychenko, I. Sukhorukov, O. Dyadyk, N. Pasiyeshvili, N. Kapustnyk, D. Ziablitsev // Medicina (Kaunas). – 2022. – Vol. 59, Supplement 1: International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, 24 March 2023, Riga, Latvia. – P. 43. features of the lungs in post-COVID-19 periodThesis