Давиденко, Вячеслав БорисовичПащенко, Юрій ВолодимировичМішина, Марина МитрофанівнаРой, Наталя ВячеславівнаDavidenko, VyacheslavPashchenco, Yu.Mishyna, MarynaRoi, N.2018-12-102018-12-102018-11-16Drug Resistance of Purulent-Inflammatory Diseases Pathogensin Children and Ways to Overcome it / V. B. Davidenko, N. V. Roi, Yu. V. Pashchenco, M. M. Mishina // Rational use of antibiotic. Antibiotic resistance STOP! : abstracts 1st International Congress, Ukraine, Kyiv, 15–16 November 2018. – Kyiv, 2018. – P. 90–91.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21812Modern pathogenic microorganisms have pronounced drug resistance to antimicrobial drugs. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment of purulent inflammatory diseases in children. The stability of microorganisms is due to biofilm formation and various factors of aggression. Hence, scientific research is necessary to eliminate microbial resistance and increase effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy.enpathogenic microbesdrug resistancedaily biorhythmsDrug Resistance of Purulent-Inflammatory Diseases Pathogensin Children and Ways to Overcome itThesis