Barzylovych, AnastasiaBubalo, VolodymyrNesterenko, ValentynaRogachevskyi, OleksandrChornyi, Oleg2020-12-022020-12-022020Mechanisms for Managing Medical Institutions in Times of Crisis / A. Barzylovych, V. Bubalo, V. Nesterenko, O. Rogachevskyi, O. Chornyi // Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. – 2020. – Vol. 11, issue 9. – P. 562–568. institutions face a lot of problems with insufficient staffing, infrastructure, special materials and equipment during the crisis. The health care system depends on government action at the national and regional levels, especially it is about problem-solving strategies and action plans. This article is based on a qualitative analysis of the experience of crisis management in connection with the spread of COVID-19. Germany and the Czech Republic have proven the importance of strategic and integrated approaches to good governance. It is determined that the centralized management with a possibility of acceptance of local regional decisions by medical establishments is effective in times of crisis. It is proved that the crisis causes reorganization of medical institutions, redistribution of functions and responsibilities of medical staff, transformation of the management system and change of strategies. Strategic and integrated approaches provide centralized management and involvement of the private sector, institutions and the public in the process of counteracting the consequences of the crisis. Management processes and mechanisms are characterized by speed, flexibility and adaptability to changing crisis situations. The government is the main regulator in a crisis. Education and training, reorganization of medical services and medical institutions, the formation of a digital market, the development of new types of equipment occur as a result of strategic management. Strategic management is based on the flexibility and adaptability of the health care system to possible changes. The experience of functioning of management mechanisms of medical organizations in the conditions of crisis depends on an initial condition of human resources, physical infrastructure and institutional capacity of authorities at national and regional levels. A strategic and comprehensive approach to crisis management in Germany and the Czech Republic proves the effectiveness of counteracting the consequences of the crisis.encrisis management of the health care systemmedical institutionsmanagement of the COVID-19 pandemicflexibility of medical organisationsMechanisms for Managing Medical Institutions in Times of CrisisArticle