Vvedenska, A.Tytova, GannaVvedenska, T.Введенська, А.Є.Титова, Ганна ЮріївнаВведенська, Т.С.2013-10-022013-10-022013-05Vvedenska A. E. Development of cardiomyopathy in adolescent-girls with neurocirculatory dystonia and menstrual cycle disorders : 9th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, 9–12 May 2013, Warsaw (Poland) / A. E. Vvedenska, A. Y. Titova, T. S. Vvedenska // Archives of Medical Science. – 2013. – № 2, suppl. 1. – S. 45.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3811Morphological and functional features of heart girls with menstrual cycle disorders and Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) indicate a high frequency of the combination of connective tissue dysplasia with menstrual dysfunction. In addition the combination of NCD patients and secondary amenorrhea has a tendency to develop dyshormonal cardiomyopathy (CMP), and the combination of NCD and pubertal uterine bleeding – dysplastic CMP. Marked disorders of intracardiachemodynamics are more common for patients of group I, that is the reason for rehabilitation and dispensary supervision tactics of this contingent.enDevelopment of cardiomyopathy in adolescent-girls with neurocirculatory dystonia and menstrual cycle disordersArticle