Мартовицький, Дмитро ВолодимировичШелест, Борис ОлексійовичСадовенко, Ольга ЛеонідівнаБрек, Валерія ВасилівнаПрохоренко, Василь ЛеонтійовичБабічева, Олександра ОлександрівнаMartovytskyi, DmytroShelest, BorysSadovenko, O.Brek, ValeriaProkhorenko, V.Babicheva, O.2023-10-182023-10-182023-09Emergencies. Providing therapeutic care in life-threatening conditions at the stages of medical evacuation : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical class / comp.: D. Martovytskyi, B. Shelest, O. Sadovenko [et al.]. ─ Kharki : KhNMU, 2023. ─ 17 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/32624Затверджено Вченою радою ХНМУ. Протокол № 9 від 28.09.2023.Providing emergency aid on the battlefield is the main guarantee of saving the life of the wounded. The analysis of the causes of the death of servicemen during hostilities shows that a significant part of them could be saved if timely and high-quality first aid was provided. This number ranges from 9 to 25 % (wars in Iraq and Afghanistan). The main causes of death of 80–90 % of such wounded were massive blood loss and shock. At the same time, the localization of wounds in 48 % of cases – in the trunk, in 31 % – in the upper and lower limbs, in 21 % – in the neck or groin areas, where the main blood vessels are located. The scope of providing medical aid on the battlefield depends on the tactical situation, the nature of the injuries received, the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the person who first comes into contact with the wounded, and the medical equipment and medical supplies available to him. The development of the system of providing medical care in the armed forces of NATO countries led to a gradual change in the approach to the treatment of the wounded on the battlefield and created the prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of Tactical Combat Casualty Care.entactical Combat casualty carebasic life supportexternal bleedingacute respiratory insufficiency2023аМР2023/2023Emergencies. Providing therapeutic care in life-threatening conditions at the stages of medical evacuation : methodical instructions for the 5th year students to the practical classGuidelines