Кожина, Анна МихайловнаКожина, Ганна МихайлівнаKozhyna, HannaКоростий, Владимир ИвановичКоростій, Володимир ІвановичKorostiy, Volodymyr2013-01-092013-01-092012Korostiy V. I. Emotional (anxiety and depressive) disorders in young persons wih psychosomatic diseases (clinical structure and pathogenesis-based psychotherapy) / V. I. Korostiy, A. M. Kozhyna // 20th European Congress of Psychiatry, Prague, 2012 : Abstracts on CD-Rom. – Prague, 2012. – P. 230.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2788enEmotional (anxiety and depressive) disorders in young persons wih psychosomatic diseases (clinical structure and pathogenesis-based psychotherapy)Thesis