Tagaev, NikolayKhyzhniak, VladimirMorgun, AndreySukhovieienko, OlgaLitkevich, Natalia2015-11-112015-11-112015Torture and abusive treatment from a perspective of forensic medicine / N. Tagaev, V. Khyzhniak, A. Morgun, O. Sukhovieienko, N. Litkevich // Modern advances in forensic science and expertise : abstracts of international scientific conference, Uzhgorod, 29th of April – 2nd of May 2015. – Uzhgorod, 2015. – P. 44–45.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10876enTorture and abusive treatment from a perspective of forensic medicineArticle