Maslova, Natalia2017-10-192017-10-192017-09-30Maslova N. M. Evaluation of the reaction of the visual system of students of different age groups to a printed load with different design parameters / N. M. Maslova // World science. – 2017. – № 10 (26), Vol. 5 : Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Problems of Modern Scienceand Possible Solutions" (September 30, 2017, Dubai, UAE). – Р. 25–27., the obtained facts as a result of the research shows that the quality of the design of printed text is an important factor that has both a negative and positive effect on the visual system of children and teenagers. The publication for children and teenagers of textbooks and teaching aids with a large print size will allow not only to avoid the development of pathological and pre-pathological conditions, but also to improve the quality of the functioning of the visual system.The results of the evaluation of the visual system of 199 students of three age groups for a printed load with different parameters of registration using the method of pupilography are presented. Comparison of the functional response of children and teenagers to different types of text load allowed to see that decreasing of the print size among teenagers, when the visual system is already formed and sufficiently resistant to unfavorable effects, causes a much weaker reaction than among children. Among teenagers, the number of persons with a pronounced asymmetry of functioning increases insignificantly with a soft load (only 1.5%) and only 6.5% when working with a "hard" load. Obviously, the positive influence of the "soft" load on the children's visual system (significant growth of symmetric and slightly asymmetric functioning in comparison with the initial state) is evident.enasymmetryprinted loadreadingpupilographyvisual systemEvaluation of the reaction of the visual system of students of different age groups to a printed load with different design parametersArticle