Alekseienko, RomanRisovanaya, R.2015-11-022015-11-022015-05-14Alexeenko R. V. Features of the regulation of human life in the present conditions of the world / R. V. Alexeenko, L. M. Risovanaya // 8th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Congress for medical students and young doctors (14–15 May, 2015) : аbstract book. – Kharkiv : KNMU, 2015. – Р. 5–6. of human organism is a whole set of reactions and mechanisms aimed at controlling all life processes in accordance with the requirements of the genetic program of the organism and the environment in order to preserve life and procreation. That is why the task of scientists is that, based on the current conditions of nature and society, to find the best ways to maintain health.Global problems of humanity in the 3rd millennium with the new exigencies of the scientists put a health problem. People are increasingly fits the world around us to meet their needs while losing body developed during the evolution of the defense mechanisms of adaptation.enliferegulationadaptationinformation explosionFeatures of the regulation of human life in the present conditions of the worldThesis