Ohniev, ViktorSemenenko, OlenaMartynenko, NataliiaMyakyna, O.2018-09-172018-09-172018History of Medicine : methodical developments for teachers to conduct a practical lesson on the topic «The Origin of Medicine. Pre-historic Medicine. Medicine of the Ancient World» for the preparation of students in specialties : 7.12010001 «General Medicine», 7.12010005 «Dentistry» / Compiled by V. Ognev, O. Semenenko, N. Martynenko, O. Myakyna. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2018. – 20 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20291enHistory of Medicine : methodical developments for teachers to conduct a practical lesson on the topic «The Origin of Medicine. Pre-historic Medicine. Medicine of the Ancient World»Guidelines