Ohniev, ViktorZinchuk, Andrii2015-11-122015-11-122015-07Ognev V. A. Conceptual model for optimization of early detection of pulmonary cancer among the population / V. A. Ognev, А. М. Zinchuk // Science and Education Studies. – 2015. – № 2 (16), Vol. 3. – P. 736–745.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11012Author offers the conceptual model for early detection of pulmonary cancer among the adult population of Ukraine. Author underlines that in Ukraine there is not unified model of perfect early diagnosis of lungs cancer, acceptable to the urban and rural population. This is not just a medical problem and requires cross-sectoral approach to its solution.enpulmonary canceroncologyrisk factorshypokinesiapromotion of healthlifestyleConceptual model for optimization of early detection of pulmonary cancer among the populationArticle