Yanishen, IgorLobanov, AntonAndrienko, KarinaPogorila, AllaFedotova, OlenaSiveruk, Denis2024-05-272024-05-272024Comparative evaluation of the results of orthopedic treatment with solid cast posts in case of total crown defect of the tooth / I. V. Yanishen, A. I. Lobanov, K. Yu. Andrienko, A. V. Pogorila, O. L. Fedotova, D. V. Siveruk // Science and society: modern trends in a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th International scientific and practical conference, Vienna, Austria, 15─17 April 2024 / MDPC Publishing. ─ Vienna, 2024. ─ P. 34─36.978-3-954754-01-4https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33829The aim of our study was to conduct a complex examination that would allow the further use of solid cast crowns as a dental prosthesis element in the orthopedic dentistry clinic.encast crownsdental prosthesis2024аComparative evaluation of the results of orthopedic treatment with solid cast posts in case of total crown defect of the toothArticle