Hloba, NataliiaIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, Iryna2018-11-092018-11-092018-09-30Hloba N. Regarding the role of time deficiency factor in development of emotional stress in medical students / N. Hloba, I. Isaeva, I. Karmazina // Science Review. – 2018. – № 6 (13), Vol. 1. – Р. 17–19.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20966Current research results proved the negative influence of time deficiency and inappropriate time structuring skills on stress level, as it was established that in people with higher time management skills the stress level was lower, and weak negative correlation was proved. Effective time management improves academic achievements of students, while low ability to organize available time decreases students grades both through mental state disruption and studying hours decrease. Considering all mentioned above, special time management courses aimed at improvement of time structuring abilities of students might be an easy method of improvement of mental health, psychological state, and as a result the academic achievements of students. That would lead to increase of working efficiency and job performance in future medical specialists, thus aiding both educational and healthcare systems.The article is dedicated to problem of time deficiency and its influence on stress level in students of medical university. The review of existing literature sources was made, the importance of time management skills in emotional stress prevention was indicated. Research results are represented showing the inverse correlation between time structuring abilities and perceived stress levels in medical students. The negative influence of increased stress level in people with low time management skills on intellectual performance leading to lowering of grades and aggravation of psychological state. The conclusion about usage of effective time management and introduction of special time management courses aimed at improvement of time structuring abilities of students as an easy method of improvement of mental health, psychological state, and as a result the academic achievements of students was made.enemotional stresstime deficiencytime managementmedical studentsRegarding the role of time deficiency factor in development of emotional stress in medical studentsArticle