Yanishen, I.Pereshyvailova, I.Tomilin, V.Diudina, IrynaKrychka, Natalia2018-06-052018-06-052018Differentiated approach to diagnostics and treatment of patients with tmj joint and muscle dysfunction syndrome / I. Yanishen, I. Pereshyvailova, V. Tomilin [et al.] // World Science. – 2018. – № 4 (32). – С. 42–44.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19871One of the significant problems in modern dentistry is the timely diagnosis of the TMJ pathology, which, according to the frequency of occurrence, ranks the third place after caries and periodontal diseases. According to modern literature, about 35 % of the world's population have a temporo-mandibular joint pathology [1]. A large number of researches in the domestic and foreign literature are devoted to the study of etiological factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. However, a single concept does not yet exist. In relation to the multifactorial etiology, the variety of the clinical manifestation of TMJ joint-muscle dysfunction syndrome and prolonged absence of pain symptom, there are difficulties with the timely diagnosis, especially in the early stages. The disease remains untreated for a long time very often, which leads to the development of morphological changes and structural rearrangement of the joint, which is accompanied by severe clinical symptoms. Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of these patients, understanding of the pathological processes leading to it, remains an important problem in dentistry. The actuality growth is a significant increase of the population, having defects of dentition, bite pathology, some consequences of therapeutic, surgical, prosthodontics and orthodontic treatment.enDifferentiated approach to diagnostics and treatment of patients with tmj joint and muscle dysfunction syndromeArticle