Babak, OlegFadieienko, GalynaZhelezniakova, NataliaNemtsova, ValeriyaShaposhnikova, YuliyaShkolnik, Vira2012-12-122012-12-122012Module 3. Current practice of internal medicine. Contents module № 3. Theme 11. Management of the patients with hepatic encephalopathy / comp.: Oleg Babak, Galyna Fadeyenko, Natalia Zhelezniakova [et al.]. – Kharkiv : КNMU, 2012. – 16 p. of the patients with hepatic encephalopathy: classification, etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic, treatment.enhepatic encephalopathyfulminant hepatic failurehyperammonemiatoxic encephalopathyManagement of the patients with hepatic encephalopathyGuidelines