Shevchenko, O.Matvyeyeva, Svitlana2014-09-052014-09-052014-09[Сo-infection tuberculosis / HIV patients. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment‖] : мethodical recommendation for the student’s self work during the preparation for practiical class : educative discipline Internal medicine with infectional diseases and phthisiology / the author: O. S. Shevchenko, S. L. Matveeva. – Kharkiv, 2014. – 13 р. TB. Clinical features, diagnostics. Peculiarities of TB running and treatment of drug-resistant TB patients. Medical care after TB patient, organizing measures. Examination of patient with drug-resistant TBendrug-resistant TBclinical featuresmedical careexamination[Co-infection tuberculosis / HIV patients. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Treatment‖]Guidelines