Yanishen, I.Tomilin, V.Diudina, IrynaPereshyvajlova, I.2019-11-262019-11-262019Method of protection of the receptor apparatus of the teth which use to support non-removable design of denture by proposed method / I. V. Yanishen, V. G. Tomilin, I. L. Diudina, I. O. Pereshyvailova // Advances of science : Proceeding of the international scientific conference, Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Ukraine, Kyiv, 5 April 2019. ‒ Karlovy Vary : Sklenëny Mûstek ; Kyiv : MCNIP, 2019. ‒ P. 524‒527.978-80-7534-078-8https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24926Conclusions: on the basis of clinical research the positive effect of our method in protection of stumps of intact teeth after preparation on the stage of treatment by non-removable design of prosthesis is evident, thus enabling the method to be used widely in the daily practice of the orthopedic dentist.enorthopedic dentistryfixed denturesprotection of supporting teethsensitivity of teethMethod of protection of the receptor apparatus of the teth which use to support non-removable design of denture by proposed methodArticle