Tishakova, TetyanaIssaka, AdamuSaveliev, Vladislav2017-02-212017-02-212017-01Tishakova T. S. Determination of quantative aminoacid composition in herbal raw material of Pulsatilla pratensis / T. S. Tishakova, Adamu Issaka, V. V. Saveliev // Медицина третього тисячоліття : збірник тез міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів, Харків, 16–17 січня 2017 р. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2017. – С. 5.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15654Amino acids are one of the physiologically important groups of compounds, taking part in synthesis of specific tissue proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, fats, hormones and other compounds necessary for living organisms. They are capable of maintaining normal function of organs and systems at extreme environment. Some acids are indicated for treatment of many pathological conditions of central nervous system and for prophylaxis. Up to present medicinal plants are not considered to be the source of easily digested form of amino acid in combination of other active substances aimed to use it for treatment of different pathologies. From this perspective we have been investigated amino acid composition of Pulsatílla praténsis.enamino acidsDetermination of quantative aminoacid composition in herbal raw material of Pulsatilla pratensisThesis