Choporova, OleksandraMouhammad, Dali2013-01-032013-01-032012Choporova A. I. What does this patient have a pleural effusion origin? / A. I. Choporova, D. Mouhammad // 5th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young doctors, Kharkiv, April 25–26, 2012 : Abstract book. – Kharkiv, 2012. – P. 66. was the commonest cause of pleural effusion (78 (70.9%) even though etiologic diagnosis was difficult followed by parapneumonic effusion 36 (32.7%) and TB empyema 27 (24.5%). A thorough laboratory tests and X-ray examination in two position will be interpreted in conjunction with the physicians clinical acumen. It has a high diagnostic yield in detection of pleural effusion origin in phthisiatrician practice.enphthisiologytuberculosis pleurisydifferential diagnosisclinical featuresWhat does this patient have a pleural effusion origin?Thesis