Rozhkov, VladyslavPavlenko, VictorOkun, DaryaShutieiev, ViacheslavShutieieva, TetianaLenska, Olha2020-10-192020-10-192020-07-31Relationship between the biomechanical parameters technique for preliminary swings among elite hammer throwers / V. Rozhkov, V. Pavlenko, D. Okun, V. Shutieiev, T. Shutieieva, O. Lenska // Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). – 2020. – Vol 20, Supplement issue 3. – P. 2258–2262. – DOI:10.7752/jpes.2020.s3303. hammer throwrelationship preliminary swingsqualified athletephaseRelationship between the biomechanical parameters technique for preliminary swings among elite hammer throwersArticle