Shevchenko, OlgaMatvyeyeva, SvitlanaChoporova, OleksandraButov, DmytroPogorelova, Olga2017-12-042017-12-042017Phthisiology: schemes, tables, pictures : hand book for students / O. S. Shevchenko, S. L. Matveyeva, O. I. Choporova [et al.]. – Kharkov : KNMU, 2017. – 164 p. modern basic questions of phthisiology are considered in this textbook in accordance with international guidelines of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of tuberculosis. Algorithms for rendering medical care in urgent conditions, principles of performing practical skills and reference values of laboratory parameters are presented. Situational tasks and tasks for test control can be used for out-of-class and auditor training. The textbook is intended for training students of 4th and 6th year of the discipline "Phthisiology".entuberkulosisdiagnosistreatmentprophylaxisPhthisiology: schemes, tables, picturesSchoolbook