Bugaiev, VladyslavHrybyniuk, VladyslavKuzina, Viktoriya2020-11-092020-11-092020-10-08Bugayev V. Dynamic of hygienic status in children, who have changed the manual toothbrush to a sonic one / V. Bugayev, V. Hrybyniuk, V. Kuzina // ISIC-2020 : [International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference for medical students and young scientists, Kharkiv, 8–9 оctober, 2020] : abstract book / KNMU. – Kharkiv, 2020. – P. 29–30.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27225enhygienic statuschildrenmanual toothbrushsonic toothbrushDynamic of hygienic status in children, who have changed the manual toothbrush to a sonic oneThesis