Koval, ViktoriaMalich, TetyanaMalich, Aleksandr2013-11-142013-11-142013Koval V. A. Using of surfactant substitutive therapy at premature newborns with respiratory distress syndrome / V. A. Koval, T. S. Malich, A. A. Malich // 6th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young doctors, Kharkiv, 16–17 May 2013 : Abstract book / KhNMU. – Kharkiv, 2013. – Р. 155–156.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4467enpremature newbornssurfactantUsing of surfactant substitutive therapy at premature newborns with respiratory distress syndromeThesis