Andreeva, E.Ryabokon, E.Cherepinska, YuliyaKamina, T.Dontsova, DariyaVolkova, O.Dolia, E.2015-11-032015-11-032015Methods of examination in dentistry. Lesions of hard tissues of teeth : working book for 3rd year students on Therapeutic dentistry department / E. N. Ryabokon, E. V. Andreyeva, Y. A. Cherepinskaya, T. V. Kamina, D. A. Dontsova, O. S. Volkova, E. I. Dolya ; Kharkiv national medical university. – Kharkiv, 2015. – 22 p. of examination in dentistry. Lesions of hard tissues of teeth : working book for 3rd year students on Therapeutic dentistry departmentWorkbook