Istomina, OlgaИстомина, Ольга Владимировна2015-10-292015-10-292015-01-20Istomina O. Smoking as modifiable factor in development of cronic obstruktive pulmonary disease in combination with arterial hypertension / O. Istomina // Медицина третього тисячоліття : збірник тез міжвузівської конференції молодих вчених та студентів, Харків, 20 січня 2015 р. / Харківський національний медичний університет. – Харків, 2015. – С. 66–67. obstructive lung pulmonary disease and cardiovascular diaseases have remained the top major causes of mortalitykillers during the past decade. In the top of the 10 leading causes of death in the world COPD is in on the third place, it's 3,.1 million people, and arterial hypertension is on the on the tenth – 1,.1 million. Combination of theseis two pathologiesy aggravates the course of each other,, and represents serious medical and social problems, which leads to health-related quality of life reducing ed quality of life and, eventually, may lead to disability. At the present time, for these diseases can be determine the main modifiable factor that can be determined for these diseases, increasing the risk of them, is such as smoking. Tobacco use is a major cause of many of the world’s top killer mortal diseases illnesses – including cardiovascular diseasepathology, chronic obstructive lung pulmonary disease and lung cancer. In totalgeneral, tobacco use is responsible for the death in of about 1 of ineach 10 adults worldwide. Smokers arise the specific nature of inflammation,s includinges, along with the presence of neutrophils and macrophages, increaseds contents ofin CD8 cytotoxic T-cell and Ncnatural killers1 lymphocytes, presented only in smokers, leading to structural changes in the bronchi. In the later stages, primarily considering growing hypoxia, there are structural changes not only in pulmonary, but also in systemic circulation, but also in the systemic circulation. All this results in the And in the result formed formation of endothelial dysfunctionendothelial dysfunction. It is known, that endothelium regulates the vascular tone. So eEndothelial dysfunction is - an imbalance between substances produced in the endothelium and produced in the endothelium, which are responsible for contraction and expansion dilation of blood vessels. Which This in turn can be one of the causes of arterial hypertension. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, thereby, increasing arterial blood pressure. Also iIt's also stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete adrenaline, which increases the heart rate and causes hypertension. According to the World Health Organization, today 1.3 billion people on our planet is dependent on tobacco. every Every year in Ukraine die from smoking-related causes about 100 000 people die from smoking-related causes, while in Kharkov Kharkiv because of smoking in a year die 3363 people die in a year due to smoking, accounting forabout 9 persons eople daily. So, it could be said, we can say, that smoking is one of the main reasons of COPD in combination with arterial hypertension. And this is a modifiable factor! And iIf everybody man decidess for himself, that he must to stop smoking, this it would ill be not only decreases the risk of development of these pathologies, but also significantly improve the quality of life.en-USхроническое обструктивное заболевание легкихгипертоническая болезнькурениеSmoking as modifiable factor in development of cronic obstruktive pulmonary disease in combination with arterial hypertensionThesis