Cherkashina, LidiyaBondar, O.Patalakha, O.Shkliar, AntonSukhonosov, RomanToryanik, I.Demikhova, NadiiaBarchan, Ganna2021-11-262021-11-262021-11Informativeness of structural and biochemical changes inthe muscle tissue of myocardium in the early postmortem period / L. Cherkashyna, O. Bondar, O. Patalakha, A. Shklyar, R. Sukhonosov, I. Toryanik, N. Demikhova, G. Barchan // Polish Medical Journal. – 2021. – Vol. 49 (294). – P. 391–395.1426-9686 the present stage in the development of forensic medicine scientists have suggested different differential-diagnostic criteria for determining the prescription of death coming (PDC), which give positive results and help in coping with a number of problems that have not been solved yet. But the overwhelming majority of the suggested modern methods of investigation cause difficulties in their introduction into everyday practice, most frequently due to problems with material and technical support for forensic examinations (FE).The modern practice and tactics of forensic diagnosis require scientific substantiation of informative diagnostic criteria for assessing PDC, first of all within the early postmortem period (PMP). The above substantiationis caused by a need for an increased accuracy and can be realized by means of objectification of structural and biochemical changes in different organs and tissues of the human organism. In particular, the interest of scientists and practitioners in FE is attracted by structural and biochemical changes in the muscle tissue (MT) of different morphological types. The known methods for diagnosing PDC are based on registration of the existing postmortem rigidity of the body, appearance of cadaveric lividity and some other diagnostic signs. Nevertheless the use of the above criteria for diagnosing PDC in the majority of cases is not able to form forensic conclusions about PDC with a high reliability and accuracy. At the same time, time-dependent regularities in changes of biochemical (BCM) and biophysical markers (BPM) of the state of MT within the first hours after the coming of death remain insufficiently studied.enmyocardiummuscle tissuebiochemical changesearly postmortem periodInformativeness of structural and biochemical changes inthe muscle tissue of myocardium in the early postmortem periodArticle