Roi, N.Knyhin, M.2019-02-182019-02-182019-02-01Roi N. V. Experiecne of the clinic in the treatment of acute destructive pneumonia in children / N. V. Roi, M. V. Knyhin // Science and society : Proceedings of the 9th International conference, Hamilton, Canada, 1st february 2019. – Hamilton : Accent Graphics Communications & Publishing, 2019. – Р. 186–187. Destructive Pneumonia remains severe purulent disease in children. This disease is characterized by a variety of clinical forms and complications. Etiological microflora has a high polymorphic resistance to the vast majority of antibacterial agents, which greatly complicates the treatment. Our goal was to study modern highly effective methods of treatment of Acute Destructive Pneumonia and to apply in practice for treating children with Acute Destructive Pneumonia.enDestructive Pneumoniaintraorganic electrophoresisdrug resistancelow-intensity ultrasound radiationozonated salineExperiecne of the clinic in the treatment of acute destructive pneumonia in childrenThesis