Sartelli, MassimoBarie, PhilipCoccolini, FedericoAbbas, MohamedKryvoruchko, Igor2023-10-302023-10-302023Ten golden rules for optimal antibiotik use in hospital settings: the worning call to action / M. Sartelli, P. Barie, F. Coccolini, M. Abbas, I. Kryvoruchko [et al.] // World Journal of Emergency Surgery. ─ 2023. ─ № 18 (50). ─ P. 1─23. therapyantimicrobial resistanceantimicrobial stewardship programshospital-acquired infectionsinfection prevention and controlsystemic antibiotic prophylaxissurgical site infections2023аTen golden rules for optimal antibiotik use in hospital settings: the worning call to actionArticle