Лісовий, Володимир МиколайовичАндон'єва, Ніна МихайлівнаLisovyi, VolodymyrAndonieva, Nina2015-11-262015-11-262015Infections of the urinary system at pregnancy = Інфекції сечової системи при вагітності : methodical instructions for students and interns / comp.: V. M. Lisovy, N. M. Andon’eva. – Kharkiv : KhNMU, 2015. – 24 p.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11557For the last decades the traditional perception of etiology and pathogenesis of infections of the urinary system (IUS) has considerably changed. Among factors which stipulate the development of IUS, the biological characteristics of microorganisms which colonize urinary tract are especially important. Urinary pathogenic features of some microorganisms explain the origin of infection in the normal urinary system. On the other hand, the non-urinary pathogenic cultures of bacteria cause inflammation in the presence of innate anomalies or due to the decline of protective forces of the organism, specifically at pregnancy.enpregnancyInfections of the urinary systemInfections of the urinary system at pregnancyІнфекції сечової системи при вагітностіGuidelines