Zhuravlyova, LarysaYankevych, Oleksandr2012-11-222012-11-222012Zhuravlyova L. Impact of obesity and hypercholesterolemia on cardiac remodelling in patients with cardiovascular diseases: abstracts from XXII Journees Europeennes de la societe francaise de cardiologie, Paris, France, 11-14 January, 2012 / L. Zhuravlyova, O. Yankevich // Archives if Cardiovascular Diseases. – 2012. – Vol. 4, Suppl.– P. 101.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1688The overweight and obesity have become a global medical problem in the modern would mainly due to acceleration of cardiovascular diseases. Early aging is associated with progression of atherosclerosis which arises from metabolic abnormalities and eventually leads to down-regulation of coronary circulation and to impaired vascular tonus.enobesityhypercholesterolemiacardiovascular diseasesarterial hypertensionImpact of obesity and hypercholesterolemia on cardiac remodelling in patients with cardiovascular diseasesArticle