Abdullaeva, IrinaValilshikov, NikitaGoptsii, Olena2014-11-272014-11-272014Abdullaeva I. A. Association between adipocytokines and insulin resistance in patients with metabolic disorders / I. A. Abdullaeva, N. V. Valilshikov, O. V. Goptsii // Rethinking Medical Research – how do we achieve innovation? : abstract book European students’ conference, Berlin, 17th–20th of September, 2014. – Berlin, 2014. – Р. 23.https://repo.knmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8063The activity of TNF-О± and leptin increase evidently in hypertensive patients with IR in comparison to the group of patients without IR (СЂ<0.001). Direct correlation dependence in the group of the patients with IR between the levels of TNF-О±, leptin and Insulin Resistance Index was established.enmetabolic disordersinsulin resistanceadipocytokinesAssociation between adipocytokines and insulin resistance in patients with metabolic disordersThesis