Marakushyn, DmytroChernobay, LarysaIsaieva, InnaKarmazina, IrynaGoncharova, АlinaShenger, SvitlanaBulynina, OksanaSokol, Olena2020-11-152020-11-152020-02Autonomic supply of physical activity in young people with arterial hypotension / D. I. Marakushyn, L. V. Chernobay, I. M. Isaieva, I. S. Karmazina, A. V. Goncharova, S. V. Shenger, O. D. Bulynina, O. M. Sokol // Scientific achievements of modern society : Abstracts of VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 5–7 February 2020 / Cognum Publishing House. – Liverpool, 2020. – P. 237–246. 128 young people aged 17–21 were examined including 50 individuals with normal values of blood pressure and 78 people with arterial hypotension. Young people with arterial hypotension were ranged according to the level of arteral pressure: first group included 39 persons (moderate arterial hypotension) where the level of mean arterial pressure was determined as 80–75 mm Hg; the second group (expressed arterial hypotension) included 39 people with level of mean arterial pressure 74.9–70 mm Hg followed by an analysis of the nature of the adaptive capacity of cardiovascular system to exercise and in the recovery period.enarterial hypertensionindexes of hemodynamicsadapting capacityphysical loadingAutonomic supply of physical activity in young people with arterial hypotensionArticle